about us
Nature Medicine was created to spread awareness of our true Nature. To remember our birth right to live in ecstatic bliss.
“Only human beings have come to a point where they no longer know why they exist. They have forgotten the secret knowledge of their bodies, their senses, or their dreams. They donʼt use the knowledge the spirit has put into every one of them; they are not even aware of this, and so they stumble along blindly on the road to nowhere…..” Voices of the first day.
Surrender to your True Nature
The word surrender has significant roots, in which render has the meaning “to melt,” and sur means “super” or “highest.” In other words, the true meaning of surrender is to melt into that which is higher than yourself.
You give yourself voluntarily to the highest aspect of your potential so that you can begin to grow into it. True surrender is a conscious choice made from free will.
Existence, by its very nature, requires your total participation. By connecting with yourself and experiencing self-acceptance, your potential is greatly enhanced.
This potential may not be immediately available to you. But it just takes one step, every step will take you further towards an experience of your ecstatic nature, moving gently toward the source of your own being.
To begin anything, you must first have a Clear intention. The more selfless your intention, the more power it will have. If you begin with the right intention, then everything will follow, but you must resist the temptation to interfere with the process out of fear. The intention is the seed, and the seed contains all the necessary ingredients and properties that will be needed in the journey ahead.
Everyday, in every moment, with every breath, feel the power of your inherent wisdom shining from your heart in a magnificent display of sparkling rainbow light as you invite others to take your hand and travel with you on the sacred path of love, liberation & enlightenment.
The potential within a single human being is infinite in its proportions. The more that you can align to the nature self, the more purity and clarity you can develop within you.
“Do not look for ecstasy outside yourself. It is already within you.”
Founder & Dream Weaver
Nicole Konsten; Holistic Osteopath & Explorer of the Sacred
Nicole is passionate about healing & dedicated to spreading awareness of the limitless nature of our bodies.
Within her practice she blends the scientific with the sacred knowledge of foundational ancient Buddhist, Yogic and Egyptian wisdoms.
Find out more about Nicole here
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