The goal of life is to make your heartbeat match the beat of the Universe, to match your nature with Nature
~ Joseph Campbell
Nature Medicine was created to spread awareness of our true Nature.
It is our birth right to live this life in ecstatic bliss, by cultivating a deep connection to ourselves, the Earth & all it’s inhabitants.
Self - Mastery of the whole Self
Purification of the body, mind & soul is our recommended way towards self-mastery.
The body is a dynamic vessel, and it takes consistency to develop the right awareness to be able to listen to it.
With self awareness it becomes easy to maintain the delicate balance required for optimum inhabitance of this vessel.
Ultimately, the discipline of exploring and respecting ourselves, leads to a deep surrendering and respect of each other, this earth & this life.
Explore our free resources here.

LOVE yourself. How to do this?
Its actually quite easy, its just your natural state. So instead of trying really hard to love.. just learn to let go of anything that isnʼt love. And naturally what is left over is Love. That is the vibration of the Earth.. and naturally.. when you let go of resistance… you will always vibrate at that frequency.